Fetch offer revenue report

GET /v2/publishers/offers/report

Fetches a report of the revenue generated by the offers. The report is aggregated by day.

Query parameters

  • startDate string(date)

    Start date of the report.

  • endDate string(date)

    End date of the report.

  • limit integer

    Limit the number of results to X.

    Default value is 200.

  • skip integer

    Skips the first X number of results.

    Default value is 0.


GET /v2/publishers/offers/report
curl \
 --request GET https://api.bitlabs.ai/v2/publishers/offers/report \
 --header "X-S2S-Token: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
  "data": {
    "reports": [
        "country": "string",
        "offer_id": 42,
        "publisher_user_id": "string",
        "unique_clicks_count": 42,
        "conversions_count": 42,
        "payout_sum": 42.0,
        "conversion_rate": 42.0,
        "ppc": 42.0,
        "offer_name": "string"